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Capital Punishment

Consumerist has posted CapitalOne’s CEO’s address today. I used to have a CapitalOne credit card until they starting trying to slam me with dubious late fees, so it doesn’t surprise me that they are still up to their old tricks. Little did I know how big the bag of dirty tricks really is. If you carry a CapitalOne card, I suggest you cancel. There are too many fish in the sea to deal with a bunch of hiway robbers like CapitalOne.


The naught boys over at have set up what must be the first useful social porn bittorrent site. Registration is locked at 40K users, but they’ll be opening that up after the beta period.

Just noticed that the marketing department was looking over my shoulder. Ok, not exactly, but the marketing department’s minions ( just scanned my website. What a name for a site, very era and very cluetrain*. Check out the demo, it’s hilarious – one of the examples involves searching for variations on AOL and ‘cancel,’ quite topical in light of the recent posts to Consumerist.


Amazon Price Changes

Economist R. Preston McAfee was interviewed by the Guardian last month. In the interview, he discusses price volatility and how Amazon might be experiementing with price discrimination. After the interview, McAfee provided further observations about Amazon’s pricing.

Don’t (necessarily) quit your day job

BusinessPundit takes on the tremendously assinine Steve Pavlina’s recent post “10 Reasons Why You Should Never Get a Job”. Pavlina, a mountebank if there ever was one, writes condescending advice for the Amway set about such burning issues as polyphasic sleep and taking the “red” pill. Ok, it isn’t all as terrible as I make it out to be, but that article about never taking a job was pretty ridiculous.

Bethany Carkhuff

I know you can’t get enough of her, well check out this arty, sexy shot!


Harvey Matusow

A piece on the extensive resume and deranged music of Harvey Matusow. Incredible stuff from WFMU, as always.

Photorealism and Illustrator

A gallery of the photorealistic compositions using Adobe Illustrator’s gradient mesh feature. While it certainly is fantastic that such effects can be accomplished with this software, it’s downright astounding to consider the compulsion that drives these individuals to recreate what has already been photographed.


TorrentFreak is reporting that Azureus (the best torrent client, IMHO) will be accepting is getting capital funding and will soon be adding a commercial content layer to the application. The question is, will they be able to pull this off without massive tissue rejection?

Best Hosting Company

Just want to give a quick shout-out to, the best hosting company in the world. (yes they host as well.)