No, it’s not a homoerotic fantasy, I’m afraid. Our favorite gay porn star (Rod Majors) gets on his soapbox about the MSM (which he calls the ‘mainstream press’) and gets spanked hard by some whippersnappers from Columbia. Never underunstimate Matt Sanchez’s ability to embarass himself (and lie baldly) in a public forum.
If you’re up for it, you can discuss his antics at a special forum setup for that very purpose.
Goodbye privacy. People collect the ‘Best Urban Images‘ from Google’s latest creepy feature.
I’m a big fan of cast iron cookware. It heats evenly, retains heat well, and is naturally nonstick after it is seasoned. It’s also incredibly durable and lasts for years. However, if it’s abused a little too much, it won’t perform and may need restoration. Curbly has a good piece on how to go about restoring rusty, disused cast iron cookware to like new condition.
BuzzTracker is yet another news site that uses the concept of ‘most blogged’ as a method for selecting relevant stories. The site is pretty attractive, but who knows how successful it will be given how many sites are based on the same premise.
Tape Findings is a weekly showcase of ‘found sounds’ from cassettes picked up at thrift shops and yard sales. There’s a lot of strange, good stuff for audio junkies.
Jerry Falwell was a very, very smart idiot. Much like his fellow minister, Al Sharpton, he never missed a chance to grab the spotlight during a crisis and say something completely idiotic. I’m referring, of course, to his almost unforgivable statements about the September 11th attacks being the fault of the American people. Good riddance.
Supposed you were to search for ‘porn for idiots.’ What exactly would you be looking for?
Apparently now that finals are over, Matt Sanchez has gotten back to trolling for gay sex online. Old habits certainly die hard.
Via LifeHacker, the ten most useful knots, and how to tie them.
Friendly Advice
To Crooks and Liars, Sam Sloan is not what most of us would call a reliable source.