Thursday, August 10, 2006
MTV’s twenty-fifth birthday came and went with little fanfare. VH1 Classic celebrated by playing the first videos played on the day MTV debuted, and those videos are almost uniformly awful (Talking Heads, Once in A Lifetime is the sole exception in my book.) Everybody knows that MTV doesn’t play videos anymore and hasn’t for so long that it is hardly worth complaining about.
So, where is an aging video-addict to go get their video fix? has a massive repository that one could get lost in for hours, even days, but it is disorganized and its really only useful for finding material you already know exists. Along comes (main site NSFW, unless you are an editor at a porno magazine) to solve that problem for you. In their comprehensive list of 80’s videos (with links to,) you will find astounding material you never knew existed.
For example, have you ever seen an Angry Samoans video? I don’t even remember the band making any videos. How about the proto-Fatboy Slim project Beats International’s “Dub Be Good To Me.” Who’s quality of life wouldn’t be improved somewhat by on-demand access to Chaka Khan’s exuberant “I Feel For You,” which I should add features the guys from Breakin.’ Then, there’s Haircut 100, who squandered all the pop genius they had to spare on “Love Plus 1.” There’s even a video by The Go-Betweens for “Spring Rain,” which I’m pretty sure was never played on any US video station (too bad, they were a great band.) Of course there are some really low low points. For example, while I now better understand the appeal of the idiotic Sique Sique Sputnik’s “Love Missile F-111,” it’s still idiotic.
I recommend looking around for an hour or two, there are many more gems to be discovered.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
The Chief Happiness Officer has an excellent post making a case for salaries being made public knowledge. It’s one of the most insightful things I’ve read on the topic. The post suggests there are three reason why secret salaries are a bad idea: it makes compensation unfair, it frustrates any debate about the topic (as it is secret,) and its a poorly kept secret. In the realm of economics we’d call this an information asymmetry – and where there is an information asymmetry, there cannot be an efficient market.
This leads to a number of problems that can affect both employer and employee. One of the dynamics at work is that without a ready and open source of information about salaries, people need to rely on job market to find out what their worth. In other words, employees who are underpaid must often put themselves up for auction to determine their worth. Once this information is available, employees can put it to use in one of two ways – they can use an offer from a competing firm as a bargaining chip or they can accept the better offer. The employer is thus put in the position of either participating in the auction, and countering the competing firms offer or choosing not to participate (and the employee leaves the firm.) I do not have empirical data to back this up (salaries being secret and all) but I hypothesize that in most cases, it is likely cheaper to participate in the auction – i.e. paying the employee more is cheaper than seeking a new candidate.
Another issue which the article hints at is the question of what the company values in employees. This is not always readily observable byt other employees. Valued employee gerally have objectively measurable qualities (sales performance, customer satisfaction, etc.) but they also have subjective qualities that the firm may value as well. If all discussion of is forbidden, then employees have no means of determining what the firm truly values in an employee. This extends to both the star performer and the marginal employee – the marginal employee does not have the information necessary to increase his value to the firm and the star performer does not necessarily know just how much he is valued relative to other employees.
Theoretically speaking, an open and fair compensation plan would incent marginal performers without over-rewarding star performers. The issue of workaholism would be eliminated in many firms. Only in poorly run organizations is the chronic workaholic rewarded for maintaining the perception of being more hard-working and dedicated than the 9-5 employee. A properly managed firm has no need, and indeed no use for rewarding non-productive behaviors.
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Oddmusic, a site about experimental music, instruments, and musicians, has a wonderful gallery of musical instruments. The pictures and descriptions of the instruments are intriguing enough, but they also post sound samples of the instruments being played. At this site, I had the pleasure of hearing for the first time the hypnotic and soothing sounds of the Aoelian Wind Harp, an ancient greek instrument powered by the wind. Also of interest was the Pikasso, a unique four-necked guitar inspired by Picasso’s analytic cubist works.
By now most of you have already seen it, but on the off chance that you haven’t, check out the linked entry on High Dynamic Range photography. The effects this technique can generate are incredible.
Vote for Wikipedia’s strangest entries. For example, the entry on strange units of measurement, including my personal favorite, the Scoville Heat Unit.
Workfriendly is a useful little tool that makes your browser window and browsed web pages look like Microsoft Word. It could come in handy if you are surfing, say, at work.
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
The New York chapter of the Project Management Institute has a helpful article for you job-seekers out there. Why Recruiters Aren’t Calling You contains some good advice, but also the sad reality.
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
While looking around for information on air conditioners, I stumbled across an article on how to economically air condition a house. This is one of those diamonds in the rough that I love finding. Anyway, it pretty much explains everything you need to know: BTU, EER, Watt, Amps. But as a bonus, it also explains how to fix a themostat for A/C units you find on the street (usually they can be repaired.)
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Should have been a little more clear in that last post. The New York State Banking Commission publishes a quarterly survey of credit card interest rates. You can download it directly from their site.