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Category Archives: General

Is Gladwell an idiot?

Is it his overexposure as of late, or is it his gross oversimplications and generalization, that have led to a Gladwell backlash?

Best bagels in NY

Slate has an informative article about the history of the bagel. The author mentions that “the best bagel bakery in New York, according to many, is one owned by a Thai couple on the Upper West Side.” Why didn’t they mention the name of that great bagel bakery? Perhaps the author wanted to keep that […]


Nothing profound here, but I’ll be damned if Coldplay isn’t the most boring band I’ve heard since, I don’t know, Toad the Wet Sprocket?

The Dow

Isn’t it just so much fun obsessively checking the Dow intraday in real time?

Mythbusters Gagged by Credit Card Companies

I am very interested to see where this story goes: Adam Savage of Mythbusters, while speaking at a conference, revealed that the producers considered doing a show revealing the flaws of the RFID tags in credit cards. Apparently the lawyers got Discovery to back down from even producing the show. Credit card companies don’t want […]

RCN Forums

I should mention that there is a good forum on RCN (as well as other internet service providers and cable providers) at Broadband Reports.

Time to Think

Why you need it, how to make more of it. Good lifestyle piece from the BBC.

George W. Bush Sewage Plant

At last, an appropriate facility may bear the name of a president. San Francisco has a ballot initiative to rename the Oceanside Treatment Plant after George Bush. Why did they wait so long? This should have been put up for a vote years ago.

Knotty Noose

The Village Voice continued it’s story on ousted Teachers College professor Madonna Constantine. It doesn’t shed much new light on the story, but demonstrates that Columbia was not quick to judge; rather it took its time investigating the issue and its conclustions were not reached hastily.

Morningside Heights Top Eats

TimeOut NY has a list of Morningside Heights’ top eats. Their definition of Morningside Heights is a little off (typically it’s ABOVE 110th St.) and they missed Tacqueria Y Fonda Mexiacana, but it’s mostly on target.