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Senate Race 2006

Electoral Vote is back with regular updates on the upcoming Senate races. The site is regularly updated based on the latest poll data.

9/11 Movie

Glenn Greenwald has a delightful series of quotes (vintage 2003) from commentators who damned CBS “The Reagans” miniseries a few years back. Not that it will stop them from being hypocrites in response to the ABC 9/11 movie.

WordPress Pings

Why your WordPress pings are taking forever and how to fix the problem.

Diebold prepares to deliver another election to the Republicans does it again, hacking a Diebold voting machine in 4 minutes. I hate to say I told you so, but voting isn’t going to help. Engadget suggests voting via paper absentee ballot (ah, but who counts those?) Nevertheless, it’s worth a try. If you need to vote by absentee ballot in New York, which mercifully hasn’t switched to electronic voting — yet, here’s a how to.

Angry about something?

Most Americans are angry about “something” (Continued)

Donkey Punch Fashion

The rise of the mooks (or proles, if you please) continues. Why does it not surprise me that a clothing line featuring references to a crude and misogynist sex act would be produced in Las Vegas? Vegas, you have so much to answer for.

Biolay Videos

I’ve been waiting a while for Benjamin Biolay’s official site to release his videos. At last, they are all available, covering most of his major studio releases, as well as some videos of him at work in the studio recording his latest album, A L’Origine. Also a New York Times profile on Biolay from last year.

Wiki Charts

Once you are through with the salacious details of the AOL user searches, you can move on to Wiki and see what the collective perverted mind is looking up.

50 Interview Questions

Strategies for answering 50 common interview questions.

AOL Search Data Revealed

Interested in what some randome luser decided to search for in AOL. Here is your chance. It’s another unique site by Andreas Wacker, who also brought you Blogsnow.