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Tonic Closes

Generally, I’m all real estate going to the highest value use. But the notion of value is actually pretty elusive because of the great many things you can’t put a dollar value on. One thing you really can’t put dollar value on is the cultural capital of New York. This cultural capital exists only in it’s exercise and we have it. But music exists to be performed and listened to. Without anywhere to play, there will be no more music of the kind that Tonic supported.

It makes me very sad that New York has turned into the kind of place where the only use we have for space is to put a condo on it. New York is killing the vibrant cultural life that makes it a desirable place to live in the first place. Usually, I’m in awe in the kind of the abundance of wealth and choice we enjoy here. This trend of closing clubs and performance venues has me ironically wishing for decay of one thing to save something else that we value.

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